Thursday, April 29

Die Recook Die

So why do cooks hate recooks so much?
Restaurant cooking is based on rhythm and timing. It's something you have to see to truly appreciate it. When a recook is introduced into this situation it changes the rhythm or even stops it all together. I have seen a kitchen grind to a halt because of recooks. They Affect the kitchen differently depending on when they are sent back. In the slow period of service it's more like a minor speed bump. During the rush a recook can be a brick wall depending on the difficulty of the dish. At the end of the night it's like a detour that takes you hours out of your way.
There are also different degrees of recooks.
Kitchen error is always a high priority to get right. no cook worth his salt wants to have any dish come back for a recook. We pride ourselves on putting out delicious dishes consistently so a recook is like punishment for not getting it right. Too many will put you in the chefs dog house.
Server error is when a server rings a dish wrong whether it's the wrong item all together or they forget to modify the order to the guest specifications. Too many of these lands you in the chefs dog house and usually a lot of cursing. Let me tell you even the most even keel chef will go ballistic with too many recooks.
Finally there is customer error whether it's from not reading the menu or not understanding what you are ordering. All these tend to illicit one reaction . Idiot.
There is one exception for the customer. if they genuinely don't like something it is our job to make their experience great. We still hate them, but not as much.
Now saying all of this there is one important fact to understand. If it's wrong send it back no matter the reason. We would rather fix the problem and you leave happy and return than leave and never come back. Unless your an asshole and then we could care less. there is one other important note about recooks. When the server or manager ask what it is you don't like about your dish be as descriptive as possible. The more we know the easier it is to fix the problem.

1 comment:

  1. I HATE sending food back. I'm always paranoid about getting it back. Some people are evil!
